
nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,


Bones weak 

Skin tough

Little by little

My shell turns rough


Climbed my voice to the top of my lungs

But I’m standing on the top of my tongue


Are we gonna talk about it

Our shared trauma

Or rather, your trauma that overflowed

like blood I’m forced to handle

I never asked for this

so are we gonna discuss how fucked up it is

or are you gonna run away again

like a coward calling himself a man

like an avoidant apparition of unsaid things


I have been doing your emotional labor for five years

I have been giving you too much

I have been overlooking every red flag

out of a longing that it was easy to love you


But it’s come to my attention that in terms of

emotional stability

this is not a  viable situation

there’s clearly something a little twisted

with your perception of me

Or is it just a touch of misogyny

I have become more comfortable with confrontation

but you don’t give me the chance

And that’s why you and I will never last

that’s why I will have a perpetually breaking heart

if I keep it yours


I wish my heart was yours

it has your name written all over it

it wants to be yours but it’s not 

Is it 

It can’t be

Because I love myself too much to keep it

in these torturous cycles of

unbalanced one sided fantasy relationships

is this twin flame shit or delusion 


can two truths coexist


I wish you had a heart that was open not

hidden behind a hundred walls 

I wish it was mine

but you have never even loved yourself

So how could I expect you to be my lifeline


Maybe I love who you could be

And not who you are

And I wish the two things were a

little less far apart


I can’t keep trying to pull them closer together

Because whether or not I want to know it

it’s not my job to fix you

it’s not my job to undo

All of your childhood wounds


It’s only my job to love

so I will do so from far away where

it doesn’t cause me so much pain

And maybe you will watch



why my eyes are so soft

behind the unanticipated absence

of tears

The last

five years 


In the night 

When I lie down

A feeling I cannot shake

Morning shines for it to only 

Disturb me in my wake

Picking apart my brain

Until all I do is ache


you stumbled into my life and wanted to be seen

I saw you clearly but you didn't see me

invisible I remained as I wept your tears

the profound sadness you casted for years

when I tried to bloom your eyes screamed no

so I swallowed it all and heard the echo

voices that tell me not to bother

because you are big 

and I am smaller


must be a bath to wash away sin

to remove the remnants of all that i've been

I cry as the suds scour my skin

much cleaner than the muck I carry within

my husk now soft with silent regret

but my insides scream and cry with the scent

the day you took from me all that I meant

with more than words and less with consent


I cried for you not only on the surface

my insides died and I didn't even deserve it

wiled from me what you are not worthy of

took my kindness and used it the fuck up

reflections of you in the mirror I look

disturbing reminder of the woman I forsook

But I opened my cuts and dug so much deeper

and I learned that my chest didn't have a groundskeeper

the deaths of me haunting my heart

for anyone to see or loudly impart

you exploited my ghosts and all that I am

and now you walk with blood on your hands

my tears turn to anger turn to hate turns to guilt

I refuse to let you break the walls i've finally built

I won't cry for you now not even on the surface

my tears are much too precious


in the midst of summer i watch a flower wilt,

due to a coldness to which i feel deep guilt

pretty we call her as passerbys

when all she wants is for us to see her insides


rip off my skin like an orange peel

you'll gather around for the enticing reveal

it'll remind me of all of the sorrow I feel

under the depths of my highlights reel

you'll inhale it in like your favourite meal

but the lows of my tide seek to conceal

picture perfect, a mirage that can heal

in a mess of a world where I reside to shield


ribs of sugar, lines of ribs

pass it back because I called dibs

geometric, parallel,

the euphoria next door under its spell

pulsing veins

Cerebral bliss

Give me one last powdered kiss